Instructions to Meeting Attendees:
Those wishing to comment may address the Governing Body by filling out a Public Comment Form and turning it in to the City Recorder. The Mayor will invite you to come to the podium when it is your turn. Comments shall be limited to three (3) minutes, unless otherwise authorized by the Mayor. Citizen groups will be asked to appoint a spokesperson, who shall limit their comments to no more than five (5) minutes.
A 30 second warning will be given to wrap up your comments, and “time” will be announced when your 3 or 5 minutes is up.
Comments shall be limited to one (1) per person; however, if time permits, the Mayor may allow additional comments. All comments shall be directed to the Mayor and City Council who may respond following each person. No comments shall be permitted from the audience as the recording system will not pick your voice and it disrupts the proceedings.
No signs or applause shall be permitted during the meeting.
Persons wishing to video record the proceedings may do so, so long as they do not disrupt the meeting. The meeting is being recorded and will be uploaded to the website within 48 hours.