Internet Access
The Eagle Mountain Library does not monitor and has no control over the information accessed through the Internet, and cannot be held responsible for its content. As with other library materials, parent and legal guardians who are concerned about their children's use of the Internet should provide guidance to their own children and should monitor their use of this resource. All children 5-12 MUST have a parent/guardian accompany them during ANY computer/internet usage. Children over 13 may access internet/computer usage with parent/guardian consent and signature.
Use of the Internet is a privilege, NOT a right, and a violation of the library Internet use policy and rules will result in a suspension, and eventually, cancellation of this privilege. Your signature on the Internet use policy and rules will result in a suspension, and eventually, cancellation of this privilege. Your signature on the Internet use policy registration is legally binding and shows you (the patron) who signed it has read the terms and conditions of the policy and understands its significance.
I apply for the privilege of my child to use the computer/internet and agree to comply with all rules and regulations. Privileges may be reoved at any time.